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Главная » 2009 » Июль » 12 » Higher education in Japan
Higher education in Japan
dHigher education in Japan has expanded remarkably over the last couple of years because of the significant rise of private educational institutes of the country and also because of the initiative of the ministry of education, Japan. Universities, Junior Colleges, Colleges of technologies and specialized training Colleges constitute the institutes of higher education in Japan. One can join a Colleges of Technology soon after completing the lower secondary courses for getting in depth training in specialized courses. The term of study here is 5 years and graduates are awarded the title of associate. One can earn an associate degree in Japan from the Junior College.

The term of study here is two to three years. In order to earn a bachelor degree one needs to join a University where the term of study would depend upon the course pursued. Those who complete the graduate course can earn a master's, doctorate or professional degree course from a University in Japan. The term of study for earning a bachelor degree is four yeas, though it is six years for those who wantto pursue medicine dentistry and veterinary sciences. The master degree courses are of two years duration and doctoral courses are generally of five years.
The government of Japan is taking various measures to improve accessibility, relevance and quality of higher education in Japan. While the scholarship Foundation of Japan provides various loan facilities to the meritorious students of economically weaker sections of the society, it provides subsidies private institutes of higher education in Japan. In order to improve the competitiveness of the govt. universities the govt. is also considering of giving them corporate status. The specialized training colleges of Japan are also playing a very important role in the higher education sector in Japan as they provide technical and vocational education to meet the diverse needs of changing society. Moreover the country also provides tremendous importance on research and development in various fields of study and provides adequate scholarships to international students to pursue research in Japan.

Категория: Asia | Просмотров: 1009 | Добавил: englishlesson | Теги: Japan, high education. | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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