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Главная » 2009 » Июль » 12 » Universities in Japan
Universities in Japan
dThe Universities of Japan are playing a very important role in the overall development of the country by providing higher education to it's youth. The higher education bureau of Japan is entrusted the task of formulating the basic policies for higher education in Japan, the establishment and authorization of Universities in Japan, Junior Colleges and Colleges of Technology. The bureau is also responsible for overseeing the functioning of private universities in Japan and provides financial assistance when needed.
The central purpose of universities in Japan is to provide students with wide-ranging knowledge and to conduct in-depth teaching and research in specialized academic disciplines. Generally a student needs to spend four years to earn a bachelor degree (six years for medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine).
A university in Japan may also establish a graduate school that can offer 2- year master degree courses, five-year doctoral courses (four years for medicine, dentistry and veterinarian medicine) or two-year professional degree courses.

However the university education in Japan is also facing some challenges mainly due to the declining rate of young population in the country. But this has increased the competitiveness among various universities of Japan and many of them are providing world-class facilities for attracting students. At present, there are more than 700 universities in Japan
On this page, we have tried to list all the Japan Universities. It would include the Universities of both the private and public sectors.

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