How to find a place for your internship or work experience.
If you want to serve an internship or do your work experience in the Czech Republic/place />, there are several possibilities for finding the right employer.
Contact the employer directly - you could for example choose from the Czech Top 100 or find a company in your country that does business in the CzechRepublic/place />.In any case, it is necessary to submit your application to selected companies.Your application should include a CV, together with a list of persons to provide references, and an
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Information about job offers, how and where to look for a job and what your rights and responsibilities are when you are unemployed.
All citizens in the Czech Republic have the right to choose their profession freely and they have the right to work anywhere in the country according to paragraph §11, zákona č. 435/2004 Sb., o zaměstnanosti.
The right to work belongs to all citizens of the Czech Republic that want to and can work and are looking for work in order to enter the workforce according to the laws set out in §10 of the Employment Act. Foreign nationals interested in working in the Czech Republic enjoy the same rights as Czech citizens (i.e. the same rights – see above) if they hold a permanent residency permit or if they are EU citizens or have be
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