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online education

Course Fees

Please note: Fees are dependent on a student's country of residence. To view fees for:

To download UK-Europe fees in PDF format please click here.

Your Funding options

RDI offer a number of ways to fund your studies including:

1. Government Grants for UK/EU residents 
2. Instalment plans, pay-as-you-go and Credit Card payment 
3. Employer Sponsorship 
4. Tesco Reward Vouchers for UK residents 

    To view all your options for funding your studies and methods of payment please click here.




    Single Payment Fee

    Instalment Plan


    University of Wales


    1st Year £6,950, £3,950 per year thereafter


    University of Bradford


    8 x £1,618.75 quarterly

    MBA (Global Food Industry) 

    Royal Agricultural College 


    £895 x 8 plus £1,800 for dissertation

    MBA (Project Management) 
    MBA (Management Consultancy) 
    MBA (Service Excellence) 
    MBA (HR Management) 
    MBA (Law) 
    MBA (Finance) 
    MBA (Maritime Management)

    University of Wales


    £625 x 2 followed by£795 x 6 modules 
    plus £1,795 for dissertation

    Master en Gestion de Empresas (MBA)

    University of Wales


    $995 x 8 modules plus $2,990 for dissertation

    Masters Entry Diploma in Management

    University of Wales


    £545 per module x 5

    Certificate in Management

    University of Wales


    £545 per module x 4

    MBA (Top-up to DMS)

    University of Sunderland


    £820 per module x 2 plus £2,940 for dissertation

    Level 7 Extended Diploma in Strategy Management and Leadership Top-up 



    £495 per module x 5

    Level 7 Diploma in Strategy Management and Leadership 



    £495 per module x 6

    Masters Entry Diploma in HR Management

    University of Wales


    £545 per module x 5

    Certificate in HR Management

    University of Wales


    £545 per module x 4

    MSc in Public Administration and Development

    University of Birmingham


    £990 per module x 6 plus £2,970 for dissertation

    Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration and Development

    University of Birmingham


    £990 per module x 6

    MSc Information Technology

    University of Wales


    £895 per module x 6 plus dissertation £1,795

    MSc Telecommunications

    Birmingham City University


    £965 x 3 modules plus £1,455 x 2 modules plus project £2,675

    MSc International Hospitality Management

    Sheffield Hallam University


    £795 per module x 8 plus £1,595   dissertation

    BA (Hons) Business & Management (Top-up)

    University of Sunderland


    £655 per module x 6

    (3-year programme - prices are per year)

    University of Wales

    £2,550 x 3

    £425 per module x 6 per year

    BSc (Hons) Psychology (Applied)
    (3-year programme - prices are per year)
    UK & Non UK Permanent

    Anglia Ruskin

    £2,875 x 3

    £375 per module x 8 per year

    BSc (Hons) Business Computing (Top-up)

    University of Wales


    £530 per module x 6

    BSc (Hons) Tourism & Hospitality Management 

    Sheffield Hallam University


    £655 per module x 6

    BA (Hons) Business
    (All UoW top-ups)

    University of Wales


    £545 per module x 6

    BA (Hons) Accountancy & Financial Management 

    University of Sunderland


    £655 per module x 6

    BTEC HND Diploma 
    (All Programmes)


    £3,495 for HND

    £490 starter pack (incl. 2 modules) then £245 per module 
    x 14 

    CIPS All Levels and International courses




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