hi, I would like to study at Heidelberg University. So I would like to know which criteria is necessary for becoming student of your University. And also I would like to know if you give any scholarship. and what is the yearly fee.
Thank you for your interest in the University of Heidelberg.
The application process may vary from subject to subject. If you want more detailed information please tell us what subject you are interested in.
First of all you need a high school diploma/leaving certificat that enables you to study at a German university. Foreign nationals with a non-German High School Diploma („Abschlusszeugnis der Sekundarstufe") must contact the Akademisches Auslandsamt of Heidelberg University in order to have their diploma accredited as equal to a German diploma. The accreditation can only be undertaken if an application for a place at Heidelberg University has reached the registration office in writing (in due form and time). Information concerning foreign diplomas can be found on the following homepage: http://www.anabin.de.
The language of instruction in most study courses at Heidelberg University is German. Accordingly, if students are to be successful in their coursework, they must be proficient in German when they begin their studies here. The proficiency examination in German (Deutsche Sprachprufung fur den Hochschulzugang [DSH]) is an entrance requirement for most international students. We strongly recommend students to start taking German lessons in their home country before taking the DSH. Participants of the DSH examination are required to have completed at least 1,000 - 1,200 hours of German language instruction at a recognised institution (e.g. the Goethe Institute) and to achieve a minimum score of DSH-2 for admission to Heidelberg University. The DSH examination is usually taken at the end of September and the end of March at Heidelberg University and consists of two parts - a written and an oral test. The participation fee is €50 (fifty euros). This fee must be paid in cash on the day of the exam. An example of the exam is available on the internet at: http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/zentral/isz/d_downloads.html The DSH at Heidelberg University can only be taken by students who have been accepted for admission to Heidelberg University (students must be in possession of a letter of acceptance of Heidelberg University)! Students can be exempted from the DSH if one of the following certificates considered equivalent to the DSH is submitted with the application for admission: the ”Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz – Zweite Stufe –” the ”Prufung zum Nachweis deutscher Sprachkenntnisse (PNdS)” or the ”Deutsche Sprachprufung fur den Hochschulzugang (DSH)” the „Gro?e / Kleine Deutsche Sprachdiplom „ from the Goethe-Institut the "Zentrale Oberstufenprufung (ZOP)” from the Goethe-Institut the "Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF)” with a score of at least 4 points (TDN 4) in each part of the test the ”Prufung zur Feststellung der Eignung auslandischer Studienbewerber fur die Aufnahme eines Studiums an Hochschulen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Feststellungsprufung)” – an examination to determine the qualifications of foreign applicants to study at a German university other certificates, subject to bilateral agreements between the countries Heidelberg University offers German language courses preparing students for the proficiency exam in German (DSH). Further information on these courses and all the information concerning the application process can be found in the booklet "General Information for Internatioal Student Applicants": http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/md/studium/download/allginfo10englinternet.pdf
The tuition fees amount to 606,50 Euro per semester.
Heidelberg University itself does not grant any scholarships. You can find information on scholarship programmes here: