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Главная » 2009 » Сентябрь » 12 » University of Freiburg - Faculty of Applied Sciences
University of Freiburg - Faculty of Applied Sciences

University Of Freiburg - Faculty Of Applied Sciences:
The University of Freiburg, founded in 1457, is one of the oldest universities in Germany and looks back on a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research. Whether in the humanities, the sciences or engineering, Freiburg’s students and faculty have made a significant impact on the academic world.

Email: Contact us here

 Courses / Programs:

The field of Computer Science offers the following programs and degrees:
Bachelor’s Program Computer Science
Master’s Program Computer Science
Master’s Program Applied Computer Science
Master's Program Bioinformatics
Diploma Program Computer Science (auslaufend)
Major and Minor Subject Degree Staatsexamen for Teaching
Magister and B.A. Minor Subject

The field of Microsystems Engineering offers the following programs and degrees:
Bachelor’s Program Microsystems Engineering
Bachelor’s Program Microsystems Engineering(expiring)
Master’s Program Microsystems Engineering - English
Master’s Program Microsystems Engineering - German

 Faculty of Applied Sciences:

The 11th and newest faculty of the university is the Faculty of Applied Sciences which was established in 1995. It comprises the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Microsystems Engineering offering undergraduate and graduate programs to approximately 1,200 students. Situated on a new campus at the edge of Freiburg, both departments feature modern facilities for research and teaching including a cleanroom, electronics, optics and chemistry laboratories, robotics laboratories, facilities for tele-teaching, mobile computer pools for students and an engineering library. The Faculty offers three international Master’s programs.

The field of Computer Science offers the following programs and degrees:
Bachelor’s Program Computer Science
Master’s Program Computer Science
Master’s Program Applied Computer Science
Master's Program Bioinformatics
Diploma Program Computer Science (auslaufend)
Major and Minor Subject Degree Staatsexamen for Teaching
Magister and B.A. Minor Subject

The field of Microsystems Engineering offers the following programs and degrees:
Bachelor’s Program Microsystems Engineering
Bachelor’s Program Microsystems Engineering (expiring)
Master’s Program Microsystems Engineering - English
Master’s Program Microsystems Engineering - German

Категория: Germany | Просмотров: 988 | Добавил: englishlesson | Теги: University of Freiburg - Faculty of | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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«  Сентябрь 2009  »
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