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Главная » 2010 » Июнь » 25
University Profile

Cardiff University is recognised in independent government assessments as one of Britain's leading teaching and research universities.
Founded by Royal Charter in 1883, the University today combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and research with its proud heritage of service and achievement.
The University's breadth of expertise in research and research-led teaching encompasses: the humanities; the natural, physical, health, life and social sciences; engineering and technology; preparation for a wide range of professions; and a longstanding commitment to lifelong learning.
From its outstanding central location amidst the parks, Portland-stone buildings and tree-lined avenues that form the city's elegant civic centre, the University's students and staff are drawn from throughout the world, attracted by its international reputation and commitment to innovation and excellence in all areas of activity. Cardiff is a m ... Читать дальше »
Категория: Great Britain | Просмотров: 1068 | Добавил: englishlesson | Дата: 25.06.2010 | Комментарии (0)

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