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Главная » 2012 » Август » 01
Key facts
Types Online and Distance Learning
Professional Development
Short Courses

Location Online
Dates Mon 1 Oct to Fri 7 Dec 2012
Subject area(s) Electronic Engineering

Fees From £945.00
Application status Applications being accepted
Course code O12C645H6Y
Course contactIf you have any questions about this course, please email mailto: electronics@conted.ox.ac.uk
Enrol online now!

to secure your place on this course now

Based upon our popular two-day Overview of Electronics course, this new online course will introduce you to the basic ideas behind electronic circuits. The course will consist of ten units each of which will require around 5 - 10 hours of study depending on your level of knowledge.
Please send me an email about future Online Introduction to Electronics courses as I cannot attend on these dates. To top/display all
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Просмотров: 2387 | Добавил: englishlesson | Дата: 01.08.2012 | Комментарии (5)

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